paste your long url below to shorten.

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Easily create trackable short urls to use anywhere on the web, email or Twitter.

Copy and paste your long url into the box on the left or signup for a free account and manage all your short urls in one place.

We use the most up to date sources available on the internet to block links being created for sites which may contain viruses, spam or malware.

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How to shorten a long URL for social media?

When you want to post a web link on twitter, it’s quite often too long to fit within the 62 character limit. The solution: – simply add the long website URL in the box above and press “shorten URL”. This will output a smaller URL for you to tweet or place in your document.

How to hide affiliate tracking codes?

If you’re an affiliate or a website owner with a long URL it is important to get your URL shortened. There are plenty of reasons why you should. Firstly, People won't remember long URLS as easily as they will a short one. Second, hackers can steal your affiliate ID so they can profit from all your hard work. Thirdly; you can't tweet with a long URL! Use our free URL shortener – there’s no registration or sign up – just enter your long URL in the box above to get started.

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